A site about nothing...

miðvikudagur, apríl 09, 2003

Alltaf lærir maður eitthvað nýtt.

Nipple hair is also quite common for some woman, and is usually not abnormal. In these women, a number of straight strands of dark hair grow from the outer border of the areola. Occasionally, the amount of nipple hair is excessive (and usually associated with an increase in total body hair). When there is excessive hair on a woman, it is called hirsuitism (see photo). Hirsuitism is usually due to hormonal influences, though in rare circumstances it can be caused by a hormone-producing tumor. Excessive hair growth should therefor be discussed with your family physician.

Þetta verður að teljast frekar viðurstyggilegt. En svona er nú líkaminn bara, full of surprises